Evolvable Hardware Group
Research in the field of evolvable hardware can be split into the two related areas of evolutionary hardware design and adaptive hardware. While evolutionary hardware design is the use of evolutionary algorithms for creating innovative (and sometimes patentable) physical designs, the goal of adaptive hardware is to endow physical systems with some adaptive characteristics in order to allow them to operate successfully in a changing environment or under presence of faults. The EHW@FIT group does research in both areas. We also pioneered a design method in which an evolutionary algorithm is used to approximate digital circuits to obtain a good trade-off between the quality output and power consumption. Recently, we have been working on hardware accelerators of approximate neural networks.
What do we do?
Evolvable Components

Sekanina, L: Evolvable Components. Natural Computing Series, Springer-Verlag, 2004
Evolucni Hardware

Sekanina L., Vašíček Z., Růžička R., Bidlo M., Jaroš J., Švenda P.: Evoluční hardware: Od automatického generování patentovatelných invencí k sebemodifikujícím se strojům. Academia Praha, 2009
Evolutionary Design...

Bidlo M.: Evolutionary Design of Generic Structures Using Instruction-Based Development. Brno University of Technology, 2010
Ordinary and Polymorphic Circuits

Gajda Z., Sekanina L.: Recent Advances in Evolutionary Synthesis and Optimization of Ordinary and Polymorphic Circuits. Brno University of Technology, 2011
- NYU Abu Dhabi (Prof. Muhammad Shafique, dr. Alberto Marchisio)
- University of Patras (Prof. Georgios Zervakis)
- University of Alberta (Prof. Jie Han)
- University of York (Prof. Andy Tyrrell, Dr. Julian Miller)
- Purdue University (Prof. Kaushik Roy)
- NASA JPL Advanced Robotic Controls Group (dr. Adrian Stoica)
- University of Oslo (Prof. Jim Torresen, Dr. Kyrre Glette)
- Center of Industrial Electronics, Universidad Politécnica de Madri (dr. Ruben Salvador, dr. Eduardo de la Torre)
- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Antonio J. Sanchez-Clemente, dr. Luis Entrena)
- Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University (dr. Petr Švenda, prof. Vashek Matyáš)
- Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague (doc. Petr Fišer, doc. Jan Schmidt)